How Sedation Dentistry Can Improve Your Dental Experience

Dental IV Bag
Are you anxious about an upcoming dental procedure, such as dental implants, and have questions about sedation? You are not alone. Up to 30% of people express anxiety and concerns about discomfort or pain that can be associated with dental procedures. This can often cause a delay in seeking much needed treatment, which can, in turn, worsen the dental issue. Fortunately, there are many ways to alleviate any worries. Dental sedation, or anesthesia, can help reduce or eliminate any pain or discomfort sensations in a safe and convenient way! A dentist in Omaha, NE can make the best sedation choice for you based on your individual needs and wants––including any health issues, procedure length, or potential allergic reactions.


The different types of sedation options include:

  • Local anesthesia medication: numbing the area or causing temporary unconsciousness to be pain-free.
  • Sedation: can be mild, moderate, or deep unconsciousness. Administered through oral or intravenous (IV).
  • General anesthesia: used for longer procedures, full unconsciousness and complete relaxation. Administered through a face mask or IV.

While anesthesia is considered to be quite safe, as with most procedures, there are some side effects to consider; including nausea/vomiting, headache, and dry mouth. It is important to choose a dental professional in Omaha, NE that has the knowledge and experience of using top-notch anesthesia methods. A dentist should have a number of years of clinical experience in administering and monitoring all levels of anesthesia and should strive to ensure their patients experience comfortable and pain free dental procedures, and offer a range of anesthesia options for you to choose from. Their team should be trained and licensed to provide personalized anesthesia services using state-of-the-art equipment and resources all offered on-site; including oral and IV sedation, general anesthesia, and nitrous oxide, which relaxes you through inhalation.


Don’t be anxious of dental services any longer!

You can certainly be excited about your next dental procedure with so many anesthesia options, you can rest assured that your next appointment will be relaxing, safe, and effective! Call our doctors, Dr. Jerome M. WeesDr. John Wewel, and Dr. Benjamin J. Anderson, in our office in Omaha, NE today to learn more and schedule a consultation!



Sedation Dentistry: How To Know If It’s Right For You

Dental Patient Under Sedative

Sedation dentistry has emerged thanks to advancements in the dental industry as one of the leading ways to help patients who suffer from dental anxiety overcome their fear and receive treatment. Also, there are a variety of sedation methods that have been developed in order to cater to patients with different needs. The different types of sedation range from oral sedation, nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas, IV sedation, or as a pill.


How Is Sedation Administered?

As mentioned above there are different forms of sedation that can be used for a patient depending on their level of dental anxiety. Sedation is available in a range of strengths. If you are mildly afraid of the dental chair than nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas would be the best option for you. On the other hand, if your fear is more serious than you might benefit from more moderate sedation. However, if you have serious dental anxiety then this would require deep sedation or general anesthesia which would make you unconscious during the procedure. In this case general anesthesia would be more beneficial for you. Sedation can be given in gas form, taken as a pill, or administered through an IV.


Schedule Your Consultation

Contact our office in Omaha, NE to schedule your consultation with your local dentists, Dr. Jerome M. WeesDr. John Wewel, and Dr. Benjamin J. Anderson if you feel as though you may be suffering from dental anxiety. Especially, if this suffering has caused you to avoid seeking any necessary dental treatment.

Sedation Dentistry: Why Is It Beneficial?

Dental Patient About To Take Sedative

Dental anxiety has no limitations and it can affect dental patients of all ages. However, thanks to major advancements in sedation dentistry patients who suffer from dental anxiety have an option for relief. Even more so they will be able to experience receiving the dental care they need without the anxiety they don’t want. To learn more about benefits of sedation for patients read why it’s beneficial below:


Which Patients Benefit?
The usual types of patients that benefit from sedation dentistry include those with the following:

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Dental Anxiety
  • Low pain tolerance
  • Claustrophobia
  • Sensitive gag reflex
  • Previous dental trauma
  • Fidgety behavior

Positives of Sedation Dentistry
The major benefit of undergoing sedation during a dental procedure is to avoid receiving any kind of dental pain or dental anxiety during the dental procedure. Also, this allows the doctor more time to be precise with their work ensuring that you have a positive dental experience and minimal healing time.


Schedule Your Appointment
If you suffer from dental anxiety or if you fall into the category of any of the above-mentioned types of patients then you would benefit from sedation dentistry. Please feel free to contact our office to schedule your appointment our doctor will be able to discuss our sedation options with you and find the best option for you.

Sedation Dentistry: How Sedation Dentistry Can Calm Your Anxiety

dental patient under sedation

A vast majority of the population suffers from dental anxiety. It is actually estimated that more than 10% of American adults avoid going to the dentist because their dental anxiety is severe.

Causes of Dental Anxiety
There are quite a few reasons people experience anxiety about dentists including the following:

  • Fear of pain
  • Feeling helpless
  • Bad gag reflex
  • Embarrassment
  • Negative experiences

Sedation is the Solution
Thanks to advancements in sedation dentistry it is now easier than ever to reduce your dental anxiety. Also, there are many forms of sedation that can be utilized and doing so helps patients no matter what form of anxiety they are dealing with. Also, while the sedation helps to calm the patient and help them relax it also works to help the doctor treat you more efficiently.

Schedule Your Consultation
If you are experiencing dental anxiety especially if it is keeping you from seeking important dental work then it would be beneficial if you reached out to our office to schedule your consultation with our doctor. They can discuss our sedation options with you and create a customized treatment plan for you as well.