Third molars,” popularly known as wisdom teeth, are the last set to emerge, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. Thought to have evolved in our ancestors, who needed the extra surface area for grinding down plant material, they are often viewed as a dental predicament nowadays.
While some people never develop wisdom teeth, others may have them without any associated pain or problems. However, wisdom teeth can create many health issues, often manifest as discomfort or pain.
Why Your Wisdom Teeth May Be Hurting in Omaha, NE
Wisdom teeth can cause discomfort for various reasons. They may become impacted, which means the teeth cannot break through the gums due to insufficient space in the mouth. This can cause inflammation, pain, and sometimes, infections.
Overcrowding is another common issue that may lead to resorption of adjacent teeth or malocclusion. Oral hygiene around partially erupted wisdom teeth might be challenging, which could lead to gum diseases or cavities that cause pain.
Signs and Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Pain
Recognizing symptoms related to troublesome wisdom teeth is crucial for preventing complications that could impact oral health. Common indicators of impacted or problematic wisdom teeth include persistent pain or tenderness in the back of the mouth, often radiating toward the jaw or ear.
This discomfort may be accompanied by stiffness in the jaw, making it difficult to open and close the mouth thoroughly. Impacted wisdom teeth, which are unable to emerge properly, can also create pressure against neighboring teeth, potentially causing crowding or even shifting of other teeth if left untreated.
Options to Ease Wisdom Tooth Pain in Omaha, NE
While over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers or warm salt water rinses can temporarily relieve wisdom tooth pain, consulting a dental professional before starting home remedies is essential to ensure safe and effective care.
OTC pain medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, may help reduce pain and inflammation, but they only mask symptoms rather than addressing the underlying issue. This temporary relief might inadvertently lead some to delay necessary treatment, potentially worsening the condition over time.
Importance of Timely Dental Consultations with Omaha, NE
Consultation with qualified dental professionals like our team is paramount for managing wisdom tooth pain. Our expert team can guide you through your discomfort and propose treatment plans appropriate for your case.
Are you ready to restore your smile with dental implants at our skilled and trusted dental practice? Don’t wait to get the smile of your dreams with us. Contact our doctor, Dr. John Wewel, and our exceptional team at our practice to schedule an appointment today!